Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Paris Cafe

I did painted this Parisian street scene over the summer. I love Paris and if I can't be there, I'll create paintings of that wonderful city. This cafe is actually the one featured in the movie "Amelie," the one she worked at.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Rainlily Farm/Nocturne

Last Spring, my family and a friend went to a Cuban Pig Roast at Rainlily Farm that was sponsored by Slow Food Austin. Rainlily Farm is an urban organic farm within the city of Austin. The owners, not only farm organically, but have a landscaping design business and also run Farmhouse Delivery which sells their produce and produce from other Community Sponsored Agriculture or CSAs here in the Austin area to it's members. The food and atmosphere that night were wonderful--a lovely Spring moonlit evening to remember. I painted this from a photo I took of my son while we were waiting for our car at the end of the evening.

Rainlily Farm/Nocturne

Friday, September 17, 2010

PAA Exhibits

Well, this is my first post in "quite" a long time and I apologize for taking such a long break from blogging. As I've said before I don't have a lot of free time so when the decision is paint or blog, I will be painting. Having said that I've promised my fellow artist friend, Regina Calton Burchett, that I will start blogging more--thank, you Regina, you are a true friend.

So what have I been up to. Well, this year Plein Air Austin has had two juried exhibits and I've managed to plein air paint enough that I had paintings to exhibit. The present one, which opens September 18th, will be held at the Bass Auditorium on the University of Texas at Austin campus. I will have two paintings in this.

Evening on the Guadalupe, 8 x 10 Oil:

Summertime in Austin, 6 x 8 Oil

Earlier this summer, we had a show at the Forsyth Gallery in College Station, TX. The gallery is very new and nicely equipped and the folks there are fantastic. Thank you again, Forsyth Gallery. Also exhibited two painting:

Long Shadows, 6.5 x 12 Oil

Oak Tree at WildFlower Center

More blogging and paintings later, I promise ;-D
Thank you