Wednesday, November 9, 2011

EAST: East Austin Studio Tour 2011

Happy News!

I'll be participating in the East Austin Studio Tour this year. My paintings will be at the Real Gallery, #46 on the Tour. Please stop by and see the exhibit if you're out and about. The Real Gallery will also be open during the week: Monday - Thursday from 2:30 to 5:30.

Monday, November 7, 2011

The Italy Paintings!!!

Here are the paintings I did in Italy at the Carver/Stats workshop... at least, the three that made the cut. I also did some black and white studies but threw all of them away except one and someone in the workshop accidentally picked it up. We were timed on all the paintings we did, these are 1 1/2 hour studies. We also did one exercise where we had to pick a spot do a 10 minute study, turn 25 degrees and do another, etc. until we had made a complete turn. Will post those later.


The first is a view of the vineyards and service road right below the Villa we stayed at. The second is a painting of one of the outbuildings at the Villa. All of the buildings had the most wonderful copper gutters with incredible details on them. Very Etruscan looking. The last is of one of the main streets in Certaldo Alto, one of the hill villages closest to the Villa.