Thursday, April 28, 2011

Jill Carver Workshop - March 18-20, 2011

Hello All:

I recently attended Jill Carver's Workshop in Wimberley, TX (sponsored by the Wimberley Artist League) and it was a fabulous experience. Several of my painting buddies have asked me to post my studies so here they are (disclaimer: these are not finished paintings but studies done for different exercises Jill assigned).

First Day
We painted at the Sabino Ranch which is owned by Bill and MF Johnson. They originally own and operated Camp Longhorn which my husband attended as a young boy. Their property in Wimberley is just beautiful and borders the "Blue Hole" section of Cypress Creek. Our mission of the day was to do four value studies: One set done while it was cloudy; a black/white study and a color study of the same view and then one set done when it was sunny - again a black/white and a color study of the same view. We were also divided into two groups: Group A had an infinite number of values to use and Group B had 5. Lucky me as I was in Group A. Soon after we started the clouds went away so only the "Sunny" set was done. Here are my examples:

Jill also took a photo of the view we painted and showed all three images in iPhoto set to black and white so we could see if our values were the same all the through.

Day 2
More of the same but this time we went to Deborah Elliot's fabulous ranch. She and her partner have wonderful hilltop views where you can see for miles. Jill painted a demo of an oak tree. We painted in the afternoon. I did a color study of a cedar tree on the property. It's slightly mangled as it got caught in the lock of the trunk of my car. The trees folage is very splochy -- my summer project is TREES...

Day 3
Back at Sabino Ranch with more black and white studies for me.

The first painting is more successful than the second. The values are truer to the view I painted. The second looked more like a nocturne before I painted into it but the tree is still a little too dark.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Two Views of the Hillcountry

Yikes, it's mid-April and I haven't posted the finished painting of "Twight on N. Lamar." I think I have this problem of photographing work just about solved and, once it is, I won't have this excuse for not posting anymore. Of course, I have others to use but soon, not this one :-D.

Instead, I'll post two paintings I did two weeks ago at my friend and fellow painter, Suzanne Stewart's ranch out near Hamilton Pool (outside of Austin). Her beautiful home sits on a big hill and so one gets a bird's eye view of the surrounding country side--just beautiful. Here are the two small studies I did that morning:

View from Suzanne's House 6 x 8 Oil

Alamo Village at the Reimer's Ranch 6 x 8 Oil