Thursday, April 14, 2011

Two Views of the Hillcountry

Yikes, it's mid-April and I haven't posted the finished painting of "Twight on N. Lamar." I think I have this problem of photographing work just about solved and, once it is, I won't have this excuse for not posting anymore. Of course, I have others to use but soon, not this one :-D.

Instead, I'll post two paintings I did two weeks ago at my friend and fellow painter, Suzanne Stewart's ranch out near Hamilton Pool (outside of Austin). Her beautiful home sits on a big hill and so one gets a bird's eye view of the surrounding country side--just beautiful. Here are the two small studies I did that morning:

View from Suzanne's House 6 x 8 Oil

Alamo Village at the Reimer's Ranch 6 x 8 Oil


  1. Beautiful work Ann. Hope you are able to find some more time to paint! One day I am going to be a plein air painter. Totally befuddled by it at the present.

  2. These are both just gorgeous! I selfishly want to see more. And for the curious it would be nice to see a price on it... just sayin'!

  3. So nice! You really captured the feeling. We are going to have to paint out here again soon. The Palo Verdes are blooming
